Journée thématique

Quebec Fatherhood Week - By Laurence Jones

Semaine québécoise de la paternité -  Par Laurence Jones

In this new edition of Quebec Fatherhood Week, Petit Coulou would like to share the daily life of someone you may be following: Laurence Jones (@llaurencejones). Particularly followed on Instagram, this mom is expecting her second child and shares her family's day-to-day life and her pregnancy. To mark the occasion, she confides in Petit Coulou about the role of the father in her family.

The positive impact of an engaged and present partner

When it comes to parenting, the presence of an engaged and present partner can truly make all the difference, from building lasting bonds with our children to redefining traditional father roles. As a young mother benefiting from the support and assistance of a dedicated and involved partner, I can personally attest to the benefits it brings to our family and relationship.

My partner embodies his role as a dad admirably, taking this responsibility to heart. I find it both touching and adorable to see him spending time with our daughter Mia, seeking to make her laugh and forge a unique bond that will last a lifetime.

As we eagerly await the arrival of our second bundle of joy, I am deeply reassured to have his unconditional support. Over the past 13 years, we have formed a strong team, and witnessing how he flourishes in his new role as a father is both moving and comforting.

The new era of fatherhood

The current trend clearly demonstrates that more and more fathers are claiming their place and rights within today's society and at home. We are far from the time when fathers primarily had a protective status and were present to provide for their family's needs. Men aspire to have a real role, shared custody, and a desire to participate in events involving their children, increasingly investing themselves in daily tasks. They want to actively contribute to their children's education, ensuring their academic success and participating in their recreational and sporting activities. These are engaged, loving, proud, and present fathers who fully invest themselves in their children's daily lives.

Furthermore, these fathers stand out for their ability to communicate effectively, foster interaction, and openly express their emotions towards their children. It is not uncommon to see a father moved, not hesitating to shed a tear of sadness or joy in front of their child. This shift towards a more engaged paternal role proves to be extremely rewarding and fulfilling for fathers. Not only does it redefine their position within the family, but it also nurtures a deep bond between father and child, creating even stronger connections.

Little habits that make for a happy family

The presence and involvement of the dad significantly lighten our load as a mother. In our soon-to-be family of four, my partner insists on giving our daughter a bath in the evening when he comes home from work. It's a truly special moment for them. Our little fish in the water, as I like to call her, loves this ritual and it has become one of her favorite moments of the day. It's their little moment together! During this precious time, I take the opportunity to take care of myself and recharge my batteries.

When he has a day off, he takes pleasure in preparing a delicious homemade brunch for us to enjoy as breakfast. I mention all these examples to illustrate that it's not the big actions that make the difference, but rather simple daily gestures that have a significant impact on our family. Together, we discovered how to become parents for the first time, by experimenting and making mistakes, while always keeping our little one's well-being in mind.

Petit Coulou covers: the ideal companion for parents

One thing is for sure: Petit Coulou covers truly make the lives of young parents like us much easier. For Mia, we used ours throughout the winter as she was born in January. In my opinion, it's a must have as it effectively replaces the traditional snowsuit! The winter cover allowed us to protect our little Mia from the cold, and ensured her comfort and safety when we were out and about.

We highly recommend them to all parents who want to protect their children from the elements while simplifying their daily routine.

Towards shared parenting

During this Quebec Fatherhood Week, it is important to celebrate and emphasize the importance of having an engaged and present partner in the parenting process. More and more fathers are asserting their rights and taking an active role in their children's daily lives, creating strong and harmonious family bonds. Simple, everyday gestures have a profound impact on family life and strengthen the ties between parents and children. This evolution of traditional father roles not only contributes to the child's development, but also helps mothers feel supported and cared for. It is capital to value the father's role in the family.

Let us applaud all these courageous dads who are not hesitant to take their place and who make a real difference in the lives of their families!


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