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Hugs: an inexhaustible source of kindness and softness

Les cùlins : une source inépuisable de bienveillance et de douceur

Do you like to give hugs and snuggles to the people around you?

When you hug someone, you feel good, rested and happy?

Wonder no more: hugs have psychological, physiological and social benefits that not only make us happy, but also reduce stress and depression.

And Saint-Justine's knows very well the value of hugs and the effects they can have on the children and mothers who are followed by the hospital.

Psssst! Did you know that January 21 is International Hug Day? 😍

Send us your photos in stories to share all the beautiful hugs with the Petit Coulou community on this day of hugs!

Why are hugs so important to children?

In addition to expressing all the love we have for our little ones, cuddling also has tremendous benefits for the psychological and physiological development of the child, so it's not to be overlooked!

→ Psychological benefits

A child who receives a hug, like a castle in a fortress, feels safe in your arms. Feeling protected, this hug allows him to refocus on himself (if he is angry or unhappy) and thus calm down. When a child is scared, this emotional security allows him to feel in the moment.

Hugs also play a big role in the development of a child's emotional intelligence. It is through this cuddling that he socializes, that he learns to feel his emotions and those of others.

→ Physiological benefits

Hugs have been scientifically proven to actively affect children's brains. In fact, "the pressure on their skin activates their nerve endings," allowing for the secretion of hormones, including the happy hormone and the feel-good hormone.

In short, hugs are our official suppliers of natural oxytocin and endorphin!

And if you think you're giving your kids too many hugs, think again: their brains are developing tremendously through sensory experiences. You're actually helping them become independent faster, and more confident. Enjoy it while they demand it!

Mois des CĂąlins - Because February doesn't have to be cold

Le Mois des CĂąlins, powered by the Sainte-Justine Foundation, in partnership with Jean Coutu, Clarins and Rythme, aims to help provide better care for the mothers and children of Sainte-Justine.

Since 2007, all Quebecers are invited to contribute to this just cause. In fact, over the past 15 years, close to $5 million has been raised to improve the comfort of families at Sainte-Justine UHC, but also to allow the hospital's professionals "all the opportunities required for the development of pediatric care today and tomorrow".

This year, the funds raised during Cuddle Month will also support the many initiatives to humanize care at the Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant (CRME) at CHU Sainte-Justine. This center is the only institution dedicated exclusively to pediatric rehabilitation in Quebec, and welcomes 5,000 children per year!

In this frigid month of February, let's add warmth to the hearts of the mothers and children of Sainte-Justine UHC by contributing to their well-being, their emancipation and their physical and mental rehabilitation.

To learn more about the initiative :

Draw me a hug for Sainte-Justine

During the Mois des CĂąlins de Sainte-Justine, a great contest for our young Quebec artists is taking place throughout the province.

All children between the ages of 5 and 12 in Quebec are invited to send their artwork to Sainte-Justine UHC.

The lucky winner of the contest will not only have the chance to see his or her creation on the packaging of Clarins "Rose CĂąlins" Lip Enhancers (sold exclusively in Jean Coutu stores in Quebec), but will also receive a magnificent gift certificate worth $1,000 in a book and toy store! 

A great gift for a great cause!

Don't miss the chance to participate in this great contest! You have until February 11th to participate. 

And don’t forget to send us your photos in stories to share all the beautiful hugs with the Petit Coulou community on this day of hugs!

Sources for the article

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