Tips from Petit Coulou

Quelqu'un que vous aimez devient un nouveau parent?

Someone you love is becoming a new parent?

Starting a family comes with a fair share of surprises ... and difficulties. There are many challenges and contingencies that come with parenthood, and as a friend we know that you want to help the...

Autour de bébéComment protéger votre bébé durant la saison estivale?

How to protect your baby this summer ?

The heat can get intense in the middle of the summer, which is why it is crucial to always carry with you a few accessories to ensure your baby’s comfort. As your little one can’t regulate its body...

Parentalité7 choses à discuter avec votre partenaire avant l’arrivée de bébé

7 things to discuss with your partner before having a baby

Motherhood sometimes comes as a surprise, sometimes exactly as expected and other times after years of trying and waiting. But one thing we know for sure is that it always comes with a lot of uncer...

Autour de bébéBébé à bord : sécurité 101

Baby on board: your guide for safety

To choose the most adapted and safe car seat for your baby can be very stressful yet important. Between government recommendations, manufacturer’s advice and comments left online, it’s hard to choo...

Autour de bébé5 conseils pour le retour à la maison avec votre nouveau-né

5 Tips: coming back home with your baby

The first days at home with a newborn are not easy. You find yourself alone with a little stranger who is experiencing emotions over your head. And mom is tired, lost and often overwhelmed. And it...